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Retrospect 2022

IRTG Diversity Success Stories: Viktoria Lühr defended her thesis

16 December 2022, Saarbrücken

Kinoreihe zeigt Industriefilme der Großregion


Kanada heute: Eine journalistische Perspektive

Vortrag des Kanada-Korrespondenten Gerd Braune, 22. November 2022, 08:00-10:00 Uhr, Universität Trier, Seminarraum C-01

IRTG Doctoral Candidate Gïti Hatef-Rossa appointed Chair of Jury 'Children & Youth' for Grimme Prize 2022


IRTG Success Stories: IRTG Post Doc Alex Demeulenaere becomes a romance studies professor


IRTG Closing Conference: Post | Diversity - Researching Diversity in the Atlantic World

September 9-10, 2022, MC Hall & Goethe-Institute, Montréal

Call for Papers: Solidarities. Networks – Convivialities – Confrontations

Deadline for submissions: August 31, 2022

Award: IRTG Doctoral Candidate Valentina Gaddi

2022 Research Award – Hadassah-Brandeis Institute

IRTG Conference: 25 Years of German-Canadian Collaboration in the Humanities and Social Sciences - Researching Diversity in the Atlantic World

May 26-27, 2022, Embassy of Canada, Berlin

Musical Performance by Laura Loewen and Allen Harrington

As Part of the Bi-Annual Partnership Conference between the University of Manitoba and the University of Trier, 12 May, 2022 6-7 pm

Dis/Ability als Teil von Diversity

Vortrag und Gespräch mit Raúl Krauthausen
4. April 2022, 18:00-19:00 Uhr online
Anmeldung unter: shorturl.at/dsRT7

Starting a Career in the Field of Diversity / Que(e)reinstieg Antidiskriminierungsarbeit

21 March 2022 Online Zoom Panel Discussion for PhD and Master-Students

IRTG Diversity Success Stories: Judith Lamberty defended her thesis

23 February 2022, Saarland University

Award: IRTG Alumna Judith Lamberty

Prix d’Excellence du Gouvernement du Québec

Antisemitisches Verschwörungsdenken und die aktuelle Corona-Pandemie

Onlinevortrag mit Ruben Gerczikow und Monty Ott am 8. Februar um 18 Uhr

Key Theoretical Concepts and Methodological Challenges for a Global and Digital Approach to Film, Literary and Translation History

Guest Lecture by Diana Roig-Sanz on January 31

Third-Country National Labour Worker‘s Mobility to and inside Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Guest Lecture by Birte Nienaber on January 27

Pacific Memories and Entaglement in Maori Literature

Guest Lecture by Leonie John on January 5
WHEN January 5, 2022 at 10 am

WHERE MS Teams https://shorturl.at/bjyFI
Logo Universität Trier Logo Université Montréal Logo Universität des Saarlandes