Visiting Scholars
The IRTG Diversity's Visiting Scholars
Prof. Birte Nienaber
IRTG Visiting Scholar, November 2021
Birte Nienaber received her PhD in Geography from the University of Münster in 2005 and her habilitation from Saarland University in 2012. Since 2013, she has worked as an associate professor at the University of Luxembourg. As a political geographer, she specialises in migration and border studies and publishes on youth mobility and migration, integration, asylum, and border studies. She coordinates numerous EU-funded projects in the area of migration, such as the H2020 projects MIMY “EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions” and MOVE “Mapping mobility - pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe”. She is/was also a work package leader in the FP7 project DERREG “Developing Europe's Rural Regions in the Era of Globalization”, and in the H2020 projects CEASEVAL
“Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development” and RELOCAL “Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development” (which deals with spatial integration of marginalized people). Birte Nienaber further coordinates the national EU contact points EMN and FRANET. She is also actively involved in the
University of Greater Region- Center for Border Studies as a member of the Steering Board. Additionally, Nienaber is the course director of the trinational Master in Border Studies at the University of Luxembourg.
Description of research at the IRTG:
People who experienced displacement/flight (i.e. violence, war, natural disasters, climate change) find themselves very often in vulnerable conditions, in the labour market, in education, in the political system, in the health care etc. of the destination countries. The collaboration together with the IRTG Diversity will explore the participation and empowerment of migrants during and after their displacement/flight experience, focussing on asylum seekers, recognised refugees and irregular migrants from the European and North American perspective. Through an open and academic exchange with different scholars, I will be able to contextualise the different forms of participation and empowerment of migrants who have been displaced.
“Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development” and RELOCAL “Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development” (which deals with spatial integration of marginalized people). Birte Nienaber further coordinates the national EU contact points EMN and FRANET. She is also actively involved in the
University of Greater Region- Center for Border Studies as a member of the Steering Board. Additionally, Nienaber is the course director of the trinational Master in Border Studies at the University of Luxembourg.
Description of research at the IRTG:
People who experienced displacement/flight (i.e. violence, war, natural disasters, climate change) find themselves very often in vulnerable conditions, in the labour market, in education, in the political system, in the health care etc. of the destination countries. The collaboration together with the IRTG Diversity will explore the participation and empowerment of migrants during and after their displacement/flight experience, focussing on asylum seekers, recognised refugees and irregular migrants from the European and North American perspective. Through an open and academic exchange with different scholars, I will be able to contextualise the different forms of participation and empowerment of migrants who have been displaced.
Ewa Macura-Nnamdi
IRTG Visiting Scholar, January-February 2020
Ewa Macura-Nnamdi is assistant professor at the Institute of Literary Studies (University of Silesia, Poland). She holds a doctorate in English literature (New Woman fiction of the late-Victorian period). Currently, her main research interests include postcolonial Anglophone literatures of Africa and African diaspora, postcolonial theories as well as refugees and migration in cinema and literature. She has published articles on, among others, Dambudzo Marechera, Rawi Hage, Abdulrazak Gurnah and Omar Khadr. Her recent publications include “Mouthwork” (ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature) and “Omar Khadr, Guantánamo and Carceral Gastronomy” (European Journal of English Studies). She has just been awarded a research grant from the National Science Centre for her project on Fictions of Water: Refugees and the Sea.
Prof. Ewa Macura-Nnamdi will join the IRTG Diversity and North American Literary and Cultural Studies in Saarbrücken in January/February. During her stay from January 26 till February 16, 2020.
Prof. Ewa Macura-Nnamdi will join the IRTG Diversity and North American Literary and Cultural Studies in Saarbrücken in January/February. During her stay from January 26 till February 16, 2020.
Prof. James Fergusson
IRTG Visiting Scholar, December 2019
James Fergusson is the Deputy Director or the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, and Professor in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Manitoba. His research interests include Methodology and Statistical Studies on Voting Behaviour, international relations, foreign and defence policy, and strategic studies. He has published numerous articles on strategic studies, non-proliferation and arms control, the defence industry, and Canadian foreign and defence policy
James Fergusson will join the IRTG as Visting Scholar at the University of Trier from Dec 5 to 12, 2019.
James Fergusson will join the IRTG as Visting Scholar at the University of Trier from Dec 5 to 12, 2019.
Frauke Matthes
IRTG Visiting Scholar, August 2019
Frauke Matthes is Senior Lecturer in the German Section of the Department of European Languages and Cultures at the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests include gender and masculinity studies, transcultural/national literature and culture, world literature, postcolonial studies, travel/migration writing, ethics and literature, and comparative literature.
Frauke Matthes will join the IRTG as Visiting Scholar at the University of Trier from 1st till 28th of August 2019.
Frauke Matthes will join the IRTG as Visiting Scholar at the University of Trier from 1st till 28th of August 2019.
Prof. Kyle Conway
IRTG Visiting Scholar, July 2019
Kyle Conway is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Ottawa. In his research, he examines different borders—linguistic, cultural, geographic, religious—and the tolls they exact when we cross them. Much of his work focuses on translation in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. His most recent book asks how the CBC’s Little Mosque on the Prairie translated Muslims for non-Muslim viewers.
Kyle Conway will join the IRTG as Visiting Scholar at University of Trier in July.
Kyle Conway will join the IRTG as Visiting Scholar at University of Trier in July.
Dr. Tetiana Ostapchuk
IRTG Visiting Scholar, June-July 2019
Tetiana Ostapchuk is an Associate Professor of Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. She teaches courses in Literary Theory, Comparative Literature, Theory and Practice of Translation, and ESL. She earned her PhD from the Shevchenko Institute of Literature, the National Academy of Sciences in 2005. She actively participates in Ukrainian and International conferences, workshops and schools. In 2007/08, she was the Fulbright Scholar at the Pennsylvania State University; in 2016 she participated SSASA Symposium on “Images of America: Reality and Stereotypes” (Salzburg); in 2017 she presented lectures “The image of Ukraine in American Popular Culture” in the frame of Erasmus+ KA 107 Mobility Program in Cadiz University, Spain. Her publications include articles in the fields of Ukrainian American literature, Diaspora Studies, and Memory Studies. She has also been an organizer of the number of conferences, the latest among them is the international workshop “B/Orders of Ukrainian Diasporas Cultural Representations” launched by by the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe at the University of St. Gallen and hosted by Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. She is a co-editor and one of the contributors to the book “(Pop) Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange Between East and West” (Saarbrücken, 2018). She will join the IRTG Diversity in Saarbrücken from 24 June-7 July 2019.
Prof. Lynn Mie Itagaki
IRTG Diversity Visiting Scholar, May-June 2019
Lynn Mie Itagaki is Associate Professor of English and Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA. Her research focuses on interracial ethics, comparative race studies, women of color feminism and twentieth- and twenty-first-century U.S. literature by writers of color. She recently published a book that examines the post–civil rights era in terms of the 1992 Los Angeles crisis, Civil Racism: The 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion and the Crisis of Racial Burnout, and has published articles and reviews in African American Review, Amerasia Journal, Feminist Formations, MELUS and Prose Studies. Her next book projects examine the aesthetics and politics of the media bystander in the post-9/11 era and race and economics in literature after the Great Recession. She will join the IRTG Diverstiy at Saarland University May to June 2019.
Prof. Sharon Carson
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, September 2018
Sharon Carson is a Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor of English and Religious Studies at the University of North Dakota. Her research interests include American literature and social philosophy, the literature of the American left, comparative religions and literatures, Black literatures and interdisciplinary Black studies, public humanities, and cross-national and comparative studies. Following her previous stay in May 2016, she will again be joining the IRTG Diversity in Trier as visiting professor in September 2018.
Mag. Dr. Maria Katharina Wiedlack
IRTG Diversity Visiting Scholar, July 2018
Katharina Wiedlack is currently Hertha Firnberg post-doc Research Fellow at the Department for English and American Studies, University of Vienna. She holds a diploma in German Literature and Gender Studies and a doctoral degree in English and American Studies from the University of Vienna. Her research fields are queer and feminist theory, popular culture, post-socialist, decolonial and disability studies. Currently, she works on a research project on the construction of Russia’s most vulnerable citizens within Western media. She will be joining the IRTG Diversity as visiting scholar in Saarbrücken for the first week of July 2018 and present a public lecture in the context of the exhibition “In the Cut: Der Männliche Körper in der Feministischen Kunst,” entitled “United in Pop Culture: The USA, Russia, Solidarity, and Queer and Feminist Resistance” (July 3 2018, 18:00, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken).
Prof. Rosalind Beiler
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, June-August 2018
Rosalind J. Beiler is Associate Professor of History at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA. Her research focuses on migration in the early modern Atlantic world. Most recently, she co-edited Kathryn E. Wilson a special issue of Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography on Immigration and Ethnicity in Pennsylvania History. Her first book, Immigrant and Entrepreneur: The Atlantic World of Caspar Wistar, 1650-1750, examines the process of cultural adaptation and change through the lens of one eighteenth-century German-speaking immigrant to the British colonies. Her current book-length project explores the communication networks of religious minorities in seventeenth-century Europe and traces how they shifted migration streams to the British colonies in the early eighteenth century. Beiler has conducted research as a fellow at the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History at Harvard University, a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Berlin Germany, and a National Endowment for the Humanities fellow at the Library Company of Philadelphia. She has presented her work at conferences in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. She will join the IRTG Diversity at Trier University June to August 2018.
Prof. Emma Anderson
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, June-July 2018
Emma Anderson is Professor of Religious Studies and the former Director of the Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies at the University of Ottawa in Canada. She will join the IRTG Diversity in Trier as Visiting Professor in June and July 2018. Her primary area of research targets Indigenous-Catholic religious interactions in North America since the seventeenth century. Anderson is the author of two books on the subject, both published by the presses of her alma mater, Harvard University. Her first book, The Betrayal of Faith: The Tragic Journey of a Colonial Native Convert (2007) is an intimate biography of an Indigenous youth sent to France for education and baptism in the 1620s. Her second work, The Death and Afterlife of the North American Martyrs (2011), is a more sweeping account of the ongoing veneration of eight Jesuit missionaries killed by Native people in the 1640s. Her current research focuses on Indigenous theological and epistemic contributions to European intellectual history: arguing that Indigenous peoples’ unique ideas fueled the Enlightenment. While in Trier Anderson will offer a one-week intensive course, North American Indigenous Encounters with Christianity. She will also present a public lecture entitled "Enlightened before the Enlightenment: Native Peoples, the Jesuit Relations, and the Indigenization of European Society" (July 10 2018, 18:00, Room B14, Trier University).
Prof. Paul Morris
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, June 2018
Paul Morris is professor of Comparative Literatures at the Université de Saint Boniface, Winnipeg. He is an expert on Canadian literatures, Comparative and Transcultural Studies, and Translation Studies. He received his habilitation from the Universität des Saarlandes. Having been IRTG visiting professor in the summers of 2013 and 2015, he will return to the IRTG Diversity in Saarbrücken as visiting professor for June 2018. Amongst other things, Paul Morris will teach a seminar on "Writing History, Reading the Nation: Contemporary Canadian Historical Fiction".
Prof. Matthew Heinz
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, April 2018
matthew heinz is Vice Provost, Research and Interdisciplinary Studies, and professor at the School of Communication and Culture at Royal Roads University (British Columbia, Canada). His work focuses on the intersections of language, gender identity, sexual orientation, and culture. He examines intercultural and international communication via performative writing, qualitative studies and discourse analysis. Originally from Germany, he has lived and worked in North America since the 1980s. His most recent publication is Entering Transmasculinity: The Inevitability of Discourse (Intellect Press, UK, 2016). matthew heinz will be joining the IRTG Diversity in Trier as visiting scholar in April 2018.
Prof. Marciana Popescu
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, March 2018
Marciana Popescu has been working in the field of international social development for over 20 years, with international organizations and educational institutions in multiple countries.
Since 2006, she was appointed as an associate professor at Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service. Over the past 10 years at Fordham she developed and taught courses in International Social Development (with study tours/experiential learning components in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Peru), Community Participation in Emergency Response (developed and taught for the Masters in International Humanitarian Affairs – targeting humanitarian workers around the world), and the International Nonprofits course (for the Masters in Nonprofit Leadership) providing learners with opprotunities to increase their knowledge on global issues, social development and the role of international nonprofits, and develop their critical thinking by applying this knowledge to analyzing existing strategies for sustainable development, and developing new innovative solutions.
Her research interests include women’s rights, empowerment strategies for women, international interdisciplinary social work education, program evaluation, forced migration, and the role of international organizations in addressing global issues and working with governments and communities to develop rights-based policies and programs.
She has given a guest lecture under the title "The Global Compact on Refugees: Implications for Local Migration Policies“.
Since 2006, she was appointed as an associate professor at Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service. Over the past 10 years at Fordham she developed and taught courses in International Social Development (with study tours/experiential learning components in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Peru), Community Participation in Emergency Response (developed and taught for the Masters in International Humanitarian Affairs – targeting humanitarian workers around the world), and the International Nonprofits course (for the Masters in Nonprofit Leadership) providing learners with opprotunities to increase their knowledge on global issues, social development and the role of international nonprofits, and develop their critical thinking by applying this knowledge to analyzing existing strategies for sustainable development, and developing new innovative solutions.
Her research interests include women’s rights, empowerment strategies for women, international interdisciplinary social work education, program evaluation, forced migration, and the role of international organizations in addressing global issues and working with governments and communities to develop rights-based policies and programs.
She has given a guest lecture under the title "The Global Compact on Refugees: Implications for Local Migration Policies“.
Dr. Kati Dlaske
IRTG Diversity Visiting Researcher, April-September 2017, January-February 2018
Kati Dlaske is a post-doctoral researcher at ReCLaS (Research Collegium for Language in Changing Society) at the Department of Language and Communication Studies at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. She joined the IRTG Diversity as a visiting scholar for the summer term 2017 and will do so again in January and February 2018. Drawing on the perspectives of multimodal critical discourse studies and ethnographic approaches. Dr. Dlaske’s work has examined the effects of contemporary globalization and the rise of the new economy on “peripheral” minority language sites and ethno-linguistic communities, with a focus on the indigenous Sàmi people in the north of Finland. Another strand of her research deals with the politics of popular culture from the point of view of gender and ethno-linguistic minorities. Her work has been published in a number of international journals, including Social Semiotics, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Gender and Language, Multilingua, Discourse and Communication and CADAAD Journal.
Prof. Jean Friesen
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, May-June 2017
Jean Friesen is a Senior Scholar at the University of Manitoba where she taught the history of Indigenous - Settler relations and Public History until her retirement in 2016. She was previously the western Canada historian at the National Museum of Canada and after coming to Manitoba in 1973 also served as a Governor of the Manitoba Museum. She was the founding editor of the journal Manitoba History and Chair of the Manitoba Heritage Council. In 1990, 1995 and 1999 she was elected to the Manitoba Legislature for the Wolseley constituency and in 1999 became Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Premier. She continues to be an active member of the Speakers' Bureau of the Treaty Commission of Manitoba.
Her research has focused on 19th century British missions in British Columbia and on the treaties of Canada with the Indigenous peoples of the west, particularly Treaty 1.
Her research has focused on 19th century British missions in British Columbia and on the treaties of Canada with the Indigenous peoples of the west, particularly Treaty 1.
Prof. Gerald Friesen
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, May-June 2017
Gerald Friesen (University of Manitoba, Department of History) has written works on the history of communications in Canada, Indigenous history and immigrant integration. His most popular book, The Canadian Prairies: A History (1984), won the John A. Macdonald Prize and a Clio Award from the Canadian Historical Association. Friesen’s other works include Citizens and Nations (2000), Immigrants in Prairie Cities (co-author, 2009) and Canadians and Their Pasts (co-author, 2013). He has been a mentor to many students, an advisor on CBC-Radio Canada’s television series Canada: A People’s History, president of the Canadian Historical Association, and a board member of the Friends of Upper Fort Garry. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the recipient of the Tyrrell medal.
Prof. Yves Frenette
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, January & February 2017
A native of Quebec and a graduate of Carleton and Laval University, Yves Frenette is professor and holder of the Level 1 Canada Research Chair Migrations, transferts et communautés francophones at the Université de Saint-Boniface in Manitoba. A former director of the Centre for Research on French-Canadian Culture and of the Institute of Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa, he is also an Adjunct Professor of History at York University and at the University of Ottawa.
Prof. Chris Andersen
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, July 2016
From July 3 to July 8, 2016, Chris Andersen, Professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta, spent time at the IRTG Diversity at the U of Trier, advising both advanced and new PhD researchers on the development of the theses and giving a guest lecture on “'Intimate archives' of Indigenous modernity: Complicating Canada’s national life history through photographs" (July 6, 2016).
Prof. James Fergusson
Visiting Professor, May-June 2016
During the summer term of 2016, James Fergusson (Director or the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, and Professor in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Manitoba) was the Trier Centre for Canadian Studies' Visiting Professor and also functioned as a Visiting Scholar of the IRTG Diversity. He taught classes in the Department of English, was available for consultations with the IRTG Diversity's PhD researchers, and gave numerous lectures at the University of Trier. In the IRTG Diversity's series of guest lectures, he contributed the talk: "Diversity and the Canadian Armed Forces" (15 June 2016,U of Trier, B 16).
Prof. Sharon Carson
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, May 2016
Sharon Carson (University of North Dakota / English, Philosophy, Religious Studies) joined the IRTG Diversity as Visiting Professor in Trier for the month of May of 2016. She led a working session on the topic of "Mediated Memory-scapes: Sites, Sounds, Transnational Refractions" with the IRTG Diversity's second Trier and Saarbrücken cohort, and most importantly, advised all of the IRTG's new doctoral students on the German side regarding their PhD projects.
Prof. Papa Samba Diop
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, November 2015
Prof. Papa Samba Diop joined the IRTG Diversity as Visiting Professor at Saarland University in November 2015. Papa Samba Diop is professor of Francophone Literature at the University U.P.E.C. (France) and has given four guest lectures during his stay in Saarbrücken:
"Présence africaine en France - littérature, société, médias: pour une inscription dans quel champ, littéraire ou social?" (3 November 2015, 18h, C.5.2., Lecture Hall 401) / "Croisements de cultures: Perceptions africaines de la diversité (des années 1920 à 2005: de Senghor à Mabanckou)“ (12 November 2015, 18h, C.5.2., Lecture Hall 401) / "Les écrivains africains subsahariens migrants: Ecriture et émigration" (17 November 2015, 18h, C.5.2., Lecture Hall 401) / "La francophonie littéraire en débat: L. S. Senghor, Sony Labou Tansi, Patrice Nganang" (18 November 2015, 10:15h, A.2.2, Room 1.22).
"Présence africaine en France - littérature, société, médias: pour une inscription dans quel champ, littéraire ou social?" (3 November 2015, 18h, C.5.2., Lecture Hall 401) / "Croisements de cultures: Perceptions africaines de la diversité (des années 1920 à 2005: de Senghor à Mabanckou)“ (12 November 2015, 18h, C.5.2., Lecture Hall 401) / "Les écrivains africains subsahariens migrants: Ecriture et émigration" (17 November 2015, 18h, C.5.2., Lecture Hall 401) / "La francophonie littéraire en débat: L. S. Senghor, Sony Labou Tansi, Patrice Nganang" (18 November 2015, 10:15h, A.2.2, Room 1.22).
Prof. Paul Morris
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, June & July 2015
Dr. Paul Morris is professor of Comparative Literatures at the Université de Saint Boniface, Winnipeg. Having been IRTG visiting professor in the summer of 2013, he returned as an IRTG Diversity visiting professor in the summer of 2015, providing our PhD students with advice on the progress of their projects. He also offered two seminars - on "The Métis in Canadian Literature" (08/June/2015-19/June/2015) and "La culture francophone dans le cinéma anglo-canadien" (13/July/2015-24/July/2015) - and took part in the IRTG's networking conference on "Liminality".
Prof. Winfried Fluck
Visiting Professer, November 2014
Winfried Fluck, Professor and Chair of American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, i.R. sowie Co-Director, Dartmouth Instiute „The Future of American Studies“, Dartmouth College, war in der Zeit vom 30. Oktober bis 30. November 2014 Visiting Fellow des Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungszentrums (HKFZ) Trier. Seine Einladung erfolgte in Kooperation mit dem IRTG Diversity an der Universität Trier.
Prof. Régine Robin
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, June 2014
The IRTG Diversity is happy to announce Dr. Régine Robin as a visiting professor in June 2014. Dr. Robin is a professor at the Department of Sociology at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
Prof. Doris Bachmann-Medick
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, May & June 2014
In May and June 2014, the IRTG Diversity is happy to host Dr. Doris Bachmann Medick as a visiting professor. Dr. Bachmann-Medick is Permanent Senior Research Fellow at the University of Gießen's International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC).
Dr. habil. Katalin Kürtösi
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, January & February 2014
Dr. Katalin Kürtösi is professor of Comparative Literatures at the University of Szeged. In June and January and February 2014, she was a visiting professor for the IRTG Diversity, providing our PhD students with advice on their projects and giving a lecture on "Stage Representations of Native People in Canada" (29/January/2014)
Prof. Paul Morris
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, June & July 2013
Dr. Paul Morris is professor of Comparative Literatures at the Université de Saint Boniface, Winnipeg. In June and July 2013, he was the IRTG Diversity's second visiting professor, providing our PhD students with advice on their projects and giving a lecture on "Canadian Paradigms for Mediating Difference: An Historical Overview" (04/July/2013)
Prof. Claudia Mayer
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, Summer Term 2013
Dr. Claudia Mayer is professor of Media Studies and Communication at the Fachhochschule Aachen. She has been advising the IRTG Diversity and its PhD students and researchers in matters of communication and the use of new media since the summer term of 2013.
Prof. Hartmut Lutz
IRTG Diversity Visiting Professor, May & June 2013
Dr. Hartmut Lutz, professor of American and Canadian Studies at the University of Greifswald and internationally renowned Native Studies scholar, was the IRTG Diversity's first visiting professor. He took part in our research colloquia during the summer term of 2013 and gave a lecture on "'Mythbusters' and 'Indianthusiasm': (De-)Constructing Transatlantic Others" (11/June/2013)