Retrospect 2021
Traumatic Memory in Arab American Literature on the Global 'War on Terror'
Guest Lecture by Katharina Motyl on December 8
Le malaise contemporain. Société et subjectivité dans la littérature francaise de 1990-2020
Colloque: 2-3 Décembre 2021
à Institut Pierre Werner
28, rue Münster, Luxembourg
à Institut Pierre Werner
28, rue Münster, Luxembourg
Transoceanic Entanglements: Remembering forced labor migration in M.G. Vassanji’s The In-Between World of Vikram Lall and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor’s Dust
Guest Lecture by Hanna Teichler on December 1
Award: Doctoral Candidate Isis Luxenburger Received Interregional Research Award
The prize “Interregionale Forschungsförderung / Soutien interregional à la recherché” of the Greater Region was awarded to Isis Luxenburger
Relocation, Internment, Concentration Camps: Multidirectional Memories of Japanese Americans during WWII
Guest Lecture by Lynn Itagaki on November 24
WHEN November 24, 2021 at 10 am
WHERE MS Teams (copy and paste the shortcut into the adress bar of your browser)
IRTG Diversity Success Stories: Marie-Eve Beaulieu Defended her Thesis
23 August 2021, Université de Montréal
On August 23, 2021, the IRTG Diversity's PhD researcher Marie-Eve Beaulieu defended her thesis on "Settler Shifts? A Manitoba Public School’s Changing Perspectives on an Anishinaabe Community" (Supervisors: Stefan Köngeter, St. Gallen / Till van Rahden, Montréal). The IRTG Diversity wholeheartedly congratulates Marie-Eve Beaulieu on her achievement.
Rencontre avec Sophie Deraspe : Diversité culturelle dans son film Antigone (2019)
Mardi le 13 juillet 2021 à 18 h (HEC)
“Canada and the North Atlantic Triangle Reconsidered: Transnational Moments in Post World War II Canadian Foreign Relations”
July 2, 2021 at 6pm (CET) - online
Call for Papers: Diversity in/of/around Canada - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Diversity
Deadline for submissions EXTENDED: May 30, 2021
Indians In Space!: Native Americans and Indigenous Representations in Sci-Fi and Pop Culture
Guest Lecture by Lee Francis IV on May 17
Presentation of the IRTG Diversity as "Best Practice" at the DAAD Networking Event
Interview mit Andrea Geier über Cancel Culture, Blackfacing und Sprechverbote
IRTG Faculty Member Andrea Geier im Interview mit dem DLF
IRTG Doctoral Candidate Gïti Hatef-Rossa appointed member of Jury for Emmy Award 2020 and Grimme Award 2021
Memories of Diversity – Diversity of Memory / Mémoires de la Diversité – Diversité de la mémoire
Webinaire avec Pierrot Ross-Tremblay le 19 février
Workshop of the Emerging Scholars Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies
On February 17, 2021
Digitales Podiumsgespräch "Englische Lieblingsromane"
Podiumsdiskussion mit IRTG Faculty Member Prof. Ralf Hertel am 5. Februar, 7:00-8:30pm
Overstanding Patois: An Introduction to Jamaica's National Language
Lecture by Lisa Johnson on January 26
Exhibition Transformation EAST. Lives in Transition
Virtual Tour and Panel Discussion with Laurence McFalls on January 22
Call: Workshop of the Emerging Scholars Forum of the Association for Canadian Studies
Deadline for written expression of interest to present: 15 January 2021
Inszenierung von Diversität
Publikation der Dissertation von IRTG Diversity-Alumna Sarah Larsen-Vefring im Transcript Verlag