From Our Research Network: BORDER VOICES (North American Studies at Saarland University)
6 - 8 October 2016, Nauwieser Neunzehn, Nauwieserstraße 19, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany
"Border Voices" is a series of events organized by the German-American Institue Saarland and the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland Unviersity. The program includes talks, workshops, screenings and artistic events and performances, all organized around the core theme of migration and border-crossing(s). The events accompany the exhibition of photographic works by David Maung, an American doumentary photographer who has lived and worked in Tijuana, Mexico, since 1995. The artist will be in attendance, giving talks and workshops and interacting with the general public. The photo exhibition, titled "So far from Mexico; so close to the United States," will be on display from October 4 to October 13, 2016.