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Robert Schwartzwald: Counter-culture and the Rise of 'Gay Lib' in Québec

19 December 2014, 14h, U des Saarlandes, C 5.3, Room 1.20
Robert Schwartzwald is one of the IRTG Diversity's principal researchers at the Université de Montréal. His research focusses on a number of interrelated topics: the interface between discourses of national modernity on the one hand and literary and cultural modernites on the other; nationalisms and sexualities, and especially the ways in which homosexuality figures in national, colonial, and post-colonial discourses; interfaces between political notions of citizenship privileged by the nation state and the assertion of other identitarian positions on a transnational scale; literary discourse and the dissemination of notions of «civility» and «density» in heterogenous, urban spaces. His primary sites of investigation have been Quebec, Canada, la francophonie, France between the two world wars and post-1968, and the «small nations» of western and central Europe.

For more information on Robert Schwartzwald, see http://irtg-diversity.com/index.php?page=people&relation=principal_researchers&person=robert_schwartzwald&id=191 or http://www.etang.umontreal.ca/personnel/robert_schwartzwald-en.html
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