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CePoG, Interdisciplinary Symposium

24-26 June, 2014, University of Trier
CePoG (Post)Graduate Symposium 2014 CePoG (Post)Graduate Symposium 2014
  • CePoG (Post)Graduate Symposium 2014
At the University of Trier, the IRTG Diversity works together with various other organizations and research groups. Among them is the Center for Posctolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG - see www.cepog.uni-trier.de). From June 24 to 26, 2014, the CePoG will host an interdisciplinary symposium for graduate students and post-docs in order to give young researchers the opportunity for exchanges about their research projects and about current trends in scholarly debates.
In particular, the CePoG invites everyone to attend the keynote lectures of the symposium:

On Tuesday, June 24, 18 c.t., Prof. Wendy Sutherland (Florida) will address the topic: "Das Übersehene sehen: Requisiten und der Tisch in Karl Lessings Die Mätresse (1780)" (Room B16)

On Wednesday, June 25, 18 c.t., Prof. Marion Müller (Trier) will talk about: "Without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion" – Zum Wandel der Legitimation des Diskriminierungsverbots in der UN an den Beispielen "Rasse" und "Geschlecht" (Raum P14)
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